iPhone repair Shop Kyodo

2021 / 01 / 16
iPhone repair Shop Kyodo

iPhone repair Shop Kyodo

iPhone repair Shop Kyodo
iPhone repair Shop Kyodo


↑GoogleMap Destination jump

I want to repair it faster than the blog!!


iPhone repair Shop Kyodo

It can feel like the end of Love when a device needs repair,

but at iPhone repair SHOP Quick Kyodo, we want to make the process quick and painless.

Do you have the latest iPhone 11 or11Pro or a previous model like the iPhone XS/XSMAX or even the original iPhone?

No matter the model, you’ll get a high-quality repair with offer high-quality repairs,

extremely fast turnaround times and excellent customer service.

Our highly trained techs can repair virtually any smartphone issue including glass and LCD replacement,

water damage,

headphone jack replacement,

home button repair,

battery replacements and more.

We understand how traumatic it is when your iPhone breaks.

We want to get you reconnected faster and for a lower price than anyone else.

Stop in any one of our locations to learn how we can help.


iPhone修理 クイック経堂店 店舗情報

東京都 世田谷区
クイック経堂店 TEL: 090-6152-0475 水曜不定休
GoogleMapはコチラ〒156-0052 東京都世田谷区経堂5丁目29−1(マップアプリで開く方はコチラ)
小田急線 経堂駅 徒歩5分  

東急世田谷線 宮の坂駅 徒歩10分

駐車場有無 あり(提携外)




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Opposite the parking lot
Opposite the parking lot
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 You can use a credit card
You can use a credit card
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For computer repair

パソコン修理王 経堂店

パソコン修理なら パソコン修理王 経堂店
パソコン修理なら パソコン修理王 経堂店

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Kyodo store visitor nearest station

経堂店 ご来店者 最寄り駅

setagaya , kyodo , seijyogakuenmae , gotokuji , sosigayaookura , simokitazawa , noborito

世田谷 , 経堂 , 宮の坂 , 成城学園 , 豪徳寺 , 祖師ヶ谷大蔵,下北沢,登戸,

umegaoka , syoinjinjyamae , chitosefunabashi , kitami , komae , izumitamagawa

梅が丘,松陰神社前 , 千歳船橋 , 北見 , 狛江 ,和泉多摩川 ,

takaido , shimotakaido

高井戸 ,  下高井戸

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This month’s campaign! !!


Free iPhonebattery diagnosis in progress

iPhone修理 バッテリー無料診断実施中【経堂】


Free iPhonebattery diagnosis in progress
Free iPhonebattery diagnosis in progress


iPhone修理のクイック経堂店 ━━━━━━━━

東京都世田谷区経堂5-29-1 大吉珈琲店内
小田急小田原線『経堂駅』南口 徒歩7分 東急世田谷線『宮の坂駅』徒歩11分
年中無休 / 10:00~20:00